Thursday, December 22, 2011

What do you know about salt lamps??

Breathe in the fresh forest air or a cool salt breeze from the ocean, and you feel the difference. More relaxed, more alive. There is proven science behind this, and a simple truth. Being connected to nature and the earth is crucial for health. In the forest the dense trees create an oxygen-rich environment that nourishes our entire body. And ocean breezes highly charged with healthy negative ions that feed our cells. While we cannot always be near a forest or the ocean, we can duplicate some of their benefits by bringing natural elements into our indoor environment. Houseplants become our “forest” to oxygenate indoor air. Pure Crystal Salt ionizes indoor air, simulating the cell-nourishing ions of an ocean breeze.

With their gentle glow and organic shapes, Solay Crystal Salt Lamps are simply beautiful… and beautifully simple. Each one-of-a-kind lamp is hand-chiseled to preserve its primordial energy from a solid block of crystal salt, hand-excavated from millions-year-old pristine sea beds at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, Polish Salt Caves and rare Persian Salt Beds. These natural works of art work wonders for our health. Just as crystal salt caves are used to promote healing and cure breathing ailments, the healthy ions created by Crystal Salt Lamps help oxygenate and purify our air. Our customers report improved breathing and immune system function, and an enhanced sense of wellbeing from regular use.

Nature also renews us because living things resonate at a frequency supported in an organic environment—and this can be disrupted by EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) from mobile phones, computers and electrical devices. Pure crystal salt has harnessed the earth’s energy for eons and resonates at a frequency that combats EMF pollution.

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