Monday, September 26, 2011

Gourmet Pomaire® Clay Oven safe Bean Pot w/ Lid 1quart

Solay Gourmet Pomaire® Clay Bean Pot with Lid (1Quart) Certified Fair Trade

Craftsman from Pomaire, Chile have been making unglazed lead free clay cookware since the 19th century. Our cookware products are healthier because little or no oil is needed as the food steams in natural juices. Clay pots also hold the nutrients whereas foods that are boiled often lose nutrients during the cooking process. Foods cooked in clay dishes retain more flavor than traditional cookware. Cooking in unglazed clay is an ancient tradition with modern day health benefits. Solay Gourmet Pomaire ® clay cookware and bake ware are decoratively created to go straight from the oven or stove top to the dining table.

Lyme disease

Lyme disease, or borreliosis, is a rising infectious disease caused by the micro-organism Borrelia burgdorferi. The bacteria, known as spirochete bacteria, are transmitted by the bite of an infected black-legged or deer tick. Other potential carriers include ticks from the genus Ixodes. Borrelia burgdorferi is the principal cause of Lyme disease in the US. Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are the major cause in Europe.

A red spot can be found around the location of the tick's bite. The spot will steadily grow larger, frequently with a pale area in the middle. This indicator is called erythema migrans. The disease has many symptoms that include a rash and flu-like symptoms, then musculoskeletal, arthritic, neurological, psychiatric and cardiac problems. Some patients with Lyme disease feel drowsiness, headaches, joint and muscle pains, and swollen lymph glands.

Salt and Vitamin C: A Promising Cure

Salt is an ancient bactericide and electrolyte which your body needs to function correctly. For centuries, Man lived a more outdoors life, however there was no illness. Because of how meats were cured and foods were preserved, twenty grams of salt daily was the average intake. Lyme disease was first documented in the 1970's around the time of the "No Salt Diet" trend. Recently, with the new low salt soy sauce, cases of Lyme disease are showing up in Japan. Regarding the parasites, salt absorbs and kills them. It is believed that it is the sodium chloride that is the cure.

Water is vital for keeping yourself hydrated and making sure the treatment is circulating through your entire body. Vitamin C rejuvenates your body, permitting cells to rebuild. Salt and vitamin C are both water soluble. This means that as long as you are getting enough water, your body will get rid of out the surplus. It is recommended you take a full glass of water each time you take salt pills.

This Salt and Vitamin C Protocol first became public in 2004, based on a hypothesis that Lyme is not just bacterial disease, but includes an infestation of microfilaria worms that live simultaneously with Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. Ticks can transfer many kinds of pathogens into the host body. It is suggested that a tick can acquire a new pathogen and pass it on to their next host. This explains why Lyme disease sufferers contain different types of organisms in their bodies. Microfilarial worms protect the bacteria from being eradicated by the antibiotics.

Himalayan Sea Salt and Treatment

Any salt ought to help your circumstance, but it takes a fair amount to get results. The concern is that table salt is chemically modified and there are the risks of hypertension, high blood pressure and the toxic effects of salt build up in the body. Pure, natural salt was the main ingredient of the sea. Over millions of years, the sea water evaporated, leaving the salt in undisturbed deposits. Eventually volcanoes erupted sealing the salt with volcanic ash, protecting salt deposits against man-made pollution. Natural sea salt has been shown to kill unhealthy types of bacteria and parasites. Many Lyme disease sufferers have noticed the benefit from the sea salt formula. There is a concern that some salts contain multiple elements which compromise the treatment. The added elements could aid the parasites in their survival. The best solution is to use pure untreated natural sea salt such as Himalayan Salt Crystals.

The issue of using Salt and Vitamin C treatment for Lyme disease is fairly new with promising and positive results. More studies are needed. If you choose this treatment, consult with your doctor. Remember to drink plenty of water.

NUMIA All natual diet supplement

Numia is a premium weight loss supplement that is truly a unique blend of the highest quality natural ingredients. This remarkable formula is guaranteed to allow you to burn more fat than ever before. It is proven to increase your energy so that your daily tasks will be a breeze. Taking Numia will help control your appetite, prevent you from overeating, and allow you to stay in control of your diet. Numia contains Maqui Berry, the world's highest ORAC value fruit. Maqui Berry contains 3x more antioxidants than Acai Berry and helps remove free radicals from your body.

Specifically formulated using the highest possible standards, Numia is designed to help you lose weight successfully by burning fat with rapid results. Numia is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and will replenish those lost during the process of losing weight in order to restore your body’s natural energy. Using function testing, results have been proven to be effective for slimming and overall health. Numia’s remarkable effects include regulating bowel movement, lowering cholesterol counts, and promoting a rapid boost in metabolism.

Numia is proven to be a safe, fast and very effective weight loss product in today’s market. Lose up to 15 lbs in 30 days! Why wait? Feel healthier and more confident today!

Maqui Berry has the world’s highest antioxidant value of any known fruit. Maqui’s ORAC value is a whopping 3x as the famous Acai Berry. The Maqui Berry neutralizes free radicals eliminating all the toxins in the body. It also helps increase the body’s metabolism therefore increasing your energy levels. This berry supports a healthy immune system, cardiovascular system, and also slows the ageing process.

Barley has an astonishing source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Barley contains selenium which is a type of antioxidant and also contains high levels of dietary fibers. Barley helps lower blood glucose levels and also lowers LDL cholesterol. The beta glucan in barley mixes with liquid and binds to fatty substances and allows them to leave the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar is known for its many different properties. It helps balance out high cholesterol, increase stamina, and improve digestion. ACV protects humans by fighting off allergies. It promotes weight loss by increasing your metabolism and also helps prevent muscle fatigue after your intense exercises. It also lowers your glycemic effect by slowing the digestion of carbohydrates making you feel fuller and controlling your appetite.

Blue Green Algae is concentrated with nutrients and antioxidants causing boosts in energy. It helps by strengthening the immune system, improving the digestive system, and mental focus. BGA also helps you lose weight by balancing your food cravings thus controlling your appetite. Its high protein content helps strengthen your organs and tissues.

L-Glutamine helps maintain your muscle so that they don’t deteriorate. It is also linked with protein synthesis. It is also an important nutrient to the intestine. Glutamine is known to keep your cell structure, boost your immune system, and also help produce your growth hormone levels.

Water Plantain has showed positive effects through laboratory experiments. Some of those effects include lowering blood sugar levels, reducing blood pressure, and not allowing fat to store in the liver. Water Plantain also has diuretic properties and increases the urine flow.

Lotus Leaf known mainly for strengthening the blood. It helps remove fat from the livers and by lowering blood lipids. Nucifine, which is the active ingredient in the lotus leaf helps to reduce muscle spasms.

Rose Hips are rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamins A, C, B1, B2, E, K, and P, calcium, citric acid, iron, niacin, phosphorus, and tannin. Rose hips have been reported to have up to 60% more vitamin C than citrus fruits. They are also rich in bioflavonoids which strengthen the vascular system.

Collagen is known for many of its skin reforming properties. It slows down your aging process, smoothes out wrinkles, and nourishes and protects your skin. It gives you a great boost in energy also helps to maintain lean muscle and avoid fat being stored in your body.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that helps reduce fat mass and fatigue while increasing muscle mass. It burns off your bodies triglycerides and uses them as fuel. It also transports fat to the mitochondria in the cell so more energy is produced. It also helps boost your stamina and endurance.

cassia Seed is also known as Sickle Pod Senna Seed and for its various health and medicinal benefits. It is used to lower blood cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and prevents atherosclerotic plaque from forming in the arterial wall. It is also used to smoothen and ease the bowels movements while nourishing the large intestine.

What you did

The world will provide you with stones everyday.
What you build out of it, is your choice...
Wall, Road or a Bridge...
You may even choose to do nothing.
At the end, world will know you by what you did with it.